
Mash Tun Floors for Beer Equipment

Mash tun floors(false bottoms) are manufactured with vee wire profiles welded on support profiles. The false bottom is installed at the bottom of the mash tun to support the grain and allow the wort to pass through smoothly.

The common mash tun floor is a perforated metal plate, but there are problems when emptying the vessel and the runoff is not very clear. A wedge wire screen floor was installed on the brewery's mash tun floor, allowing for faster, clearer runoff and fewer shells.

Mash Tun - Beer Equipment

The mash tun is a beer equipment vessel where milled grains are combined with hot water to create a mixture known as "mash." During this process, enzymes in the malted grains break down complex starches into simpler sugars, forming the sweet wort that serves as the basis for fermentation.

The mash tun floor plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficiency and quality of the mashing process. 

The Importance of Mash Tun Floors in Brewing Equipment

1. Support and Stability

Mash tuns often hold significant quantities of grain and water during mashing. A sturdy and stable floor is essential to support the weight of these materials without risk of collapse or deformation.

2. Heat Retention

Proper insulation is necessary to maintain the temperature of the mash during the enzymatic conversion process. Mash tun floors with effective insulation help to prevent heat loss, ensuring that the enzymatic activity proceeds optimally.

3. Ease of Cleaning

Brewing equipment must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized to prevent contamination and off-flavors in the finished beer. Wedge wire mash tun floors are designed for easy cleaning and maintenance and contribute to a hygienic brewing environment.

4. Liquid Drainage

Efficient drainage is essential for separating the sweet wort from the spent grains at the end of the mashing process. Mash tun floors with proper slope and drainage systems allow for the effective removal of liquids without leaving behind excess moisture.

We provide wedge wire Mash Tun floors OEM services for brewing. Contact us to get a free quote!

Email: sales@uboscreen.com

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How Is Wedge Wire Made?

The wedge wire screen is one of the most commonly used filter screens for liquid and solid filtration and screening. The wedge wire screen is composed of wedge wires welded on support rods. So how is wedge wire made?  The wedge wire is made of the highest quality raw wire and then is made into a screen that is cut, shaped, fabricated, and cleaned. Wedge wire can be ordered as raw screen material or fabricated into a finished product to suit your application requirements. As shown in the figure: Characteristics of our wedge wire screens •Capability to withstand heavy loads •High open area •No clogging •Perfectly smooth and flat surface •High precision of execution •Increased capacity and more precise separation, dewatering, and filtration •Self-cleaning effect •Low-pressure loss •High open area and strength parameter •Increased economical effectiveness, lower cost •Extended lifetime Contact e-mail: sales@uboscreen.com

Industrial Filtration Filter -- Solution for Liquid and Gas Filtration

 Industrial Filtration Filter -- Solution for Liquid and Gas Filtration No two industrial filtration applications are identical. Whether the fluid is oil- or water-based, high or low viscosity, hot or cold, YUBO Filtration Systems can help. 1. Why need industrial filtration filters? Industrial filters are important for any filtration system. The reason: Filter out the impurities in the liquid or gas, maintain the cleanliness of the liquid or gas, prevent the liquid or gas from being polluted, and ensure the normal operation of the system. 2. What filtration systems or filter housings are YUBO supplies? Self-cleaning filter housings Bag filter housings Cartridge filter housings Basket filter housings Tip: We also supply a variety of filter elements and filter bags for use with industrial filters. For more information, please leave a message at the website or contact me at E-mail: sales@yubofilter.com .

Run Down Screen Manufacturer

Run-down screens also called parabolic screens, or sidehill screens are composed of v wire profiles and support profiles with high-quality mild steel or stainless steel material.  YUBO is a professional china manufacturer of wedge wire screens . Our rundown screens are a cost-effective and highly efficient filtration method without moving parts, and also virtually maintenance-free. The screens offer proven, reliable performance and most important inexpensive solution in liquid/solid separation of fibrous and non-greasy.  Contact us: Email: sales@ubowire.com WhatsApp/skype: +86 136 5328 5589